
Secure the Bag w/ Follow-Up Email Templates to Dominate & Transition leads to Paid Clients

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Secure the Bag w/ Follow-Up Email Templates to Dominate & Transition leads to Paid Clients


If you want to get ahead of the competition, one simple change you need to make is to follow up more with your leads.

Research shows that the average salesperson makes only two attempts to reach a prospect; which is the initial convo. and 1 additional follow-up. 

80 percent of sales take 7 follow-up emails or phone calls after the initial meeting to close.  Having a consistent follow-up plan in place already puts you ahead of the curve.

And then there's you.

What's your process?

If you want to SECURE THE BAG & close out on sales flawlessly, then grab this set of 19 templates to follow-up with clients. Personalize them and implement them to manually nurture your prospects or automate your process by adding them to your CRM System or Email Auto-Responders. 

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Instant Access to Follow-Up & Secure the Bag

Secure the Bag E-Book
19 Follow-Up Templates
Sales Follow-Up Worksheet
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